Linda Lovatt - Beastie Assemblage

Assemblage art made from copper and brass with fragments of the past, broken bits of china, beads, buttons and found objects. They are then patinated to give them a beautiful verdigris finish.

I grew up on a small holding nestled amongst the Shropshire hills, I was a shy little girl so tended to prefer my own company surrounded by the native flora and fauna.

Having a love of drawing, I began my career as an illustrator which lasted for over 20 years. Whilst exhibiting with the Princes Trust I was given the opportunity to work in Scotland as an in-house designer with a giftware company, which gave me lots of experience for later when setting up my own little business.

Here I met and eventually married a nice Scottish engineer. I couldn’t afford tiaras for my bridesmaids so my future husband showed me how to soft solder copper and brass and that was me I was hooked! I love the delicacy and strength of fine metalworking and started experimenting in different patinas, so Beastie Assemblage was born.

We then moved to Southdean Mill to make our home in the old millers cottage dating from the 1700’s. There was no garden to speak of, so we gradually started to create first the vegetable garden and then my beloved cottage garden. It was whilst digging the soil that I found lots of treasures like old fragments of china, keys and bottles which I started incorporating into my assemblages. 25 years later Beastie Assemblage is still going strong but ever developing.

You can find out more about Linda Lovatt on her website, facebook and instagram.


Gillian Chestnutt