Helen McKnockiter
Helen tries not to be tight with her brush strokes often preferring flicks, drops and dribbles, creating impressions of flowers rather than painting them perfectly.
A bit about what I do and how….
There’s something special about being outside, a fleeting feeling, in the moment, where you reconnect with nature and with yourself. You might be sitting in the garden, standing at the edge of a field or knee-deep in wet grass.
In my work, I try to capture these moments of serenity where the colours are always more vibrant and time seems to stand still. I’m not trained, my style comes from blood, sweat, tears and experimentation.
When there are elements that work or that I find unique and interesting in a painting I take them forward into future pieces. I try to add depth to the paintings by working in layers, acrylic is the best medium for me as it is quick-drying and versatile.
I use a variety of brush types and try not to be tight with my brush strokes often preferring flicks, drops and dribbles, I try to create impressions of flowers rather than painting them perfectly, thankfully flowers are very forgiving.
You can find out more about Helen McKnockiter on her website, instagram and facebook.