Denise Playfair


Ewe-nique was born out of circumstances following an accident when I took up weaving as therapy when confined to a chair for months. I make woven and felted rugs, throws and cushions from the fleeces of our rare breed sheep.. 

 100% Traceable…  I use the fleece from my own sheep and do my own shearing so I can name rugs from certain sheep.

 100% Ethical…  No sheep died to make a felted rug!

 100% Renewable…  Fleece regenerates annually.

Zero waste…  I use every part of the fleece, my waste wool being used to stuff the cushions.

Net zero carbon footprint…  My sheep live at our home, I shear on the lawn and process their wool in my shed.  Approximately 10m travelled!

My trade stand displays show life-size oil paintings of the sheep hung along side their fleece products, the two work together to give context.

I also spin my own art yarns for inclusion in the cushions and dye the wool from the longwool sheep.  This dyed wool also goes into making wet felted scarves.

 You can find out more about Ewe-nique on their instagram.


Linda Foster


Chris Ewing, Charred Wood